TY KU Sake

TY KU Sake elevates the timeless tradition of sake brewing for the 21st Century palate. Known as “The Drink of the Gods”, sake is the national spirit of Japan and has been consumed for over 4,000 years.
TY KU Sake is classified as a true Super Premium Junmai Ginjo, an honor only bestowed to the top 10% of the sakes in the world.
TY KU Super Premium Sake is one of the purest beverages on the planet – made from only four all natural ingredients: rice, water, yeast & koji. TY KU Sake utilizes 60% polished specialty sake rice (with 40% of the impurities removed from every individual grain) and pristine, iron-free, naturally filtered water, proprietary yeast and hand-made koji. Specially brewed in a craft style with no additives or preservatives.
Refined, smooth flavor profile with peach on the nose and a subtle hint of spice underneath. Soft and creamy with deep viscosity that coats the palette resulting in a long finish which ends delightfully crisp. Depth and body pairs well with lighter Western fare (grilled white meats & cooked fish) yet are delicate enough to complement Asian cuisine.
The Bottle The stealth ninja dressed in traditional black provides inspiration for the sleek monochromatic matte bottle and cap of TY KU Sake. The TY KU logo is presented in a striking flash of red chrome, as is the kanji character for “Sake” at the base of the bottle. TY KU Sake is showcased in the iconic TY KU bottle design which features gloss black kanji characters for TY KU’s mantra, “Respect Tradition, Embrace Tomorrow”.
Browse all 23 TY KU Sake Drink Recipes