Lucid Absinthe Superieure

Absinthe, first commercialized in the early 1800's, emerged as a powerful icon of freedom during the Belle Époque period, and it was during this time that the highly perfumed spirit reached unparalleled popularity and cult status among the worlds of art, literature, and fashion. Once proclaimed to fuel the fires of creativity, and subsequently demonized, Absinthe has recently reemerged on the world stage as a high quality, fine alcoholic libation recalling those earlier artistic times.
Lucid is formulated by world renowned absinthe expert T.A. Breaux, and is distilled in strict accordance to traditional French methods. lucid is crafted in the historic Combier distillery, founded in 1834 and designed by Gustave Eiffel in the fabled Loire Valley of France. Each bottle of lucid is carefully prepared by skilled craftsmen, using ancient copper absinthe alembics. Unlike most contemporary imitators, lucid is distilled entirely from spirits and European herbs, and uses no artificial additives, oils, or dyes. lucid recalls the rich tradition of Absinthe, and is crafted using a full measure of Grande Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), Green Anise, Sweet Fennel, and other fine European herbs traditionally used in making fine Belle Époque absinthe.
In accordance with the views of absinthe experts in Europe and the U.S., a genuine absinthe is always distilled directly from a mixture of whole herbs in alcohol, which should be a neutral spirit of agricultural origin. It should never be cold mixed from industrial extracts or steam distilled essences or oils. To be true to tradition, the herbs must include Grande Wormwood (Artemesia absinthium), as well as European green anise and sweet fennel, and can include other culinary herbs. An authentic absinthe vert receives its traditional green color directly from the whole herbs, and should never be colored with artificial colorants or chemicals (e.g., FD&C dyes). Genuine absinthe should never contain sugar as bottled, so it should not be classified as a Liqueur. Finally, a quality, genuine French absinthe will always contain a higher concentration of alcohol to preserve its herbal content and natural green color, 60-72% being typical.
Lucid contains a full measure of Grande Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). By contrast, many other products with a claimed relationship to absinthe only contain Southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum – sometimes referred to as Southern Wormwood). Southernwood bears little resemblance to Grande Wormwood and has a completely different flavor and chemistry. Genuine absinthe, such as the absinthe made during the Belle Époque period in France, has always been made with Grande Wormwood as a key ingredient. In fact, the word “absinthe” itself is derived from the scientific name for Grande Wormwood – Artemisia absinthium.
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