Bulmers Cider

A brand of cider originating in Ireland and exported around the world under the Magners name.
Bulmers is truly an Irish success story, having grown its share of the beer market from 2.8% to over 10% in less than 10 years, and the brand continues to grow.
Bulmers Ltd. is the only Irish cider producer in Ireland and can boast being the fastest growing drinks brand in Ireland since the mid-90s. The Bulmers Pint Bottle is the biggest selling bottle of any beer in Ireland. And, as a result of this growth, per capita consumption of cider in Ireland is now the highest in the world.
The launch of Bulmers export cider brand, Magners, is proving to be another success story for Bulmers (Irl.) Ltd. After test marketing in several European countries, Magners was launched in 2000 in New York and Boston, and within three months sales of 2 million bottles were achieved. As a result, Bulmers established the US based import company, William Magner Inc., and the brand was extended to new US markets.
Magners is now available in 17 countries worldwide. In Europe, Magners can be found in Northern Ireland, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus.
Magners' North American markets include Canada, New York, Massachusetts, California, New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Florida, Maine and Rhode Island.
Bulmers and Magners are identical in terms of product taste and characteristics and the branding, packaging and promotional strategy for Magners is based on the marketing approach which has been so successful for the Bulmers brand in Ireland.
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