Twenty-One Aces

Game Type: Dice - T


  • 5 dice
  • People in a bar (ones you know or want to know)


This is a good game to start in a Bar. Simple, straight-forward, no gray areas.

The game is played by counting the "ones" that are rolled. The person who rolls the seventh 'one' gets to pick the shot that will be consumed at the end of the game. The person who rolls the fourteenth "ace" gets the honor of paying for the shot. The person who rolls the twenty-first ace has to drink the shot. Play the game by taking die out of the roll so that you only have one dice left when the twenty-first ace is rolled.

For example:

Count | # dice rolled
1-16 | 5
17 | 4
18 | 3
19 | 2
20 | 1
21 | You Drink